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Chapter Two

 Living Foods, Living Cells, Vibrant Life!

Age is not a matter of how many years you have,

but the integrity of your body’s cells.

Copyright Edition 2006 Vicki Talmage

All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without permission

in writing from the publisher, VitaeLife!, a divisions of, Vitae Health, LLC.

Chapter 2

Living Foods, Living Cells, Vibrant Life!


Age is not a matter of how many years you have, but the integrity of your body’s cells.

Your age is not so much the condition of your accumulated years rather the vitality of your body’s tissues. Your tissues depend on the amount of enzymes available to carry on the metabolism of every cell in your body.  Many degenerative diseases can be linked to improperly digested foods and their by-products which are absorbed into the body through the bloodstream. Living foods that are packed with enzymes can help break down these toxic by-products so the body and blood can get rid of them.  The extra energy can be used by the cells to regenerate, resulting in glowing skin, mental clarity, vibrant energy, and optimal health.

An adequate amount of enzymes means higher energy.  Because more nutrients become available less food is needed. That means less digestive stress and less waste products resulting in the conservation of your energy reserves. The more digestion is accomplished in the stomach by the raw food enzymes that you have eaten, the fewer enzymes the pancreas and intestines need to produce to get the job done. You can conserve the extra energy, working with your body’s metabolic processes to repair tissue, organs, and other parts of your body.   


It is important to chew your food.  Digestion begins when chewing starts.  Take your time eating your food.  If you are eating too fast, you are probably eating too much food, which can accumulate in the esophagus, causing heartburn and reflux symptoms.  It is hard to over-eat living foods in their natural state.  The abundance of enzymes in live raw foods can assist in breaking up the accumulated sludge in the esophagus, and pass it through the body.  Eat the raw living food first.


Sprouts are life-generating foods 

Uncooked vegetables and greens are full of chlorophyll, which is the most absorbable medium through which minerals can be successfully transported to the body’s cells.  Greens and plants, therefore, are the most beneficial of biogenic foods, because they contain agents called phytonutrients.  These agents can fight cancer and other degenerative diseases because they help prevent cellular disorganization.  Chlorophyll is a neutralizer that disarms carcinogens—cancer-causing agents--and prevents the cells from mutating when they are under attack.  For example: a phytonutrient found in broccoli—sulphoraphane--functions as an activator for a group of enzymes that will attach itself to harmful carcinogens and carry them safely out of the cells. Another example is cabbage that contains oltipraz, which increases enzyme production and protects the colon, bladder, liver, lung, breast, stomach, and skin against cancers.  


I have studied some of the scientists who have believed and lived this way of life.  I am impressed at their youthful and vibrant appearances. They have the energy to make great contributions even in their advancing years.


One scientist discovered that the optimal cellular food for the body is fruits, vegetables, and whole grains mainly sprouted.  These foods are not to be eaten in abundance, but are to be treated as fuel eating only the perfect amount to feed the cells, nothing more, seemingly close to starvation. He experimented with white mice which lived substantially longer than their normal life expectancy, and the primary parents produced healthier offspring in their later years, than they did in their earlier years. He lived this program as well.  As I watched his filmed thesis, I was so impressed with the tautness of his skin, his thick silver hair, his crystal blue eyes, and the strength shown in his muscles as he was running in knee deep water on the beach. His research inspired me when I was in my early 20’s, to integrate these foods exclusively in my diet. I have experienced similar results over the years as my body has grown healthier because I was consistent in this eating pattern. With each of my baby’s births, their birth weights were better and the children were healthier as the years progressed.  With each birth, my health continued to improve and each birth experience was easier using no pain relievers. 


There was another scientist who kept a chicken heart alive in the laboratory, by releasing the waste from it everyday.  This heart lived for about 25 years until a technician neglected to perform the cleansing procedure and the heart auto intoxicated.  When the waste was removed on a regular basis, the heart could regenerate itself. Could that happen in our bodies as well?  Could my cells regenerate if I could eat so I didn’t create as much waste?  Inspired by this research, I began to cleanse my body on a quarterly basis, and to eat more living foods so my body wouldn’t collect and recycle the waste.  This research has inspired my work that I do today. (Larry, I don’t want the content to change on these stories, just check it for any grammatical errors.  I felt that I needed to include some of the stories that I tell in the classes to bring the concepts to life.)


There are many extraordinary people around the world, especially in television and theater, who have quietly embraced this lifestyle and manifest still, the glow of health and vigor in their older years. Their examples have intrigued and inspired me to integrate these principles into my life. The results are still astounding. 


As I have continued to study about living foods, sprouts, and wheatgrass juice, a common denominator appeared: light.  I discovered that there is more light, oxygen and energy in living foods. Why?  Because of the chlorophyll in these foods which is liquid oxygen and liquid light.  Through the photosynthesis process, light is transformed from its source, which is the sun, into the foods that we eat, through the medium of chlorophyll.  The chlorophyll carries the “light” from the sun to living foods for us to ingest and use.  That same light, changed enough so we can assimilate it, ignites enzymes, feeding our cells to manifest health throughout our entire system. 


“Absorption and organization of sunlight, the very essence of life, is almost exclusively derived from plants.  Plants are therefore a biological accumulation of light.  Since light is the driving force of every cell in your bodies, that is why we need plants.”  (Dr. Klinic Bircher-Benner)



Free Radicals and Antioxidants

Free radical damage, caused by disease, normal exercise, stress and pollutants can damage the cell at the nuclear level. As the primary cell is attacked, it loses one of its important molecules and cannot function properly.  As it scrambles to find another molecule it creates a cascade effect: the damaged cell has to steal its missing molecule from another cell, which steals from another cell, and so on. Eventually, a weak organ in your body is attacked and disease and degeneration follows. 

Antioxidants are the answer. Rich living foods are the best and most economical source of antioxidants. Bottled antioxidants, even if dehydrated below 105° F, still lack the full viability of fresh, living foods. Greens, vegetables, sprouted foods, and fruits eaten in their natural state, have sufficient intact antioxidants to literally scavenge the free radicals and remove them from the body through the kidneys and renal system. 


Pure Water

Understanding that these toxins will be carried out of the renal system and kidneys, the necessity for a gallon of pure solvent water everyday can be understood.  Even it you eat a 100% living food diet you still must drink a gallon of water a day. Fresh steamed, distilled water is the obvious choice--the perfect pure solvent.  Some people have claimed that steamed distilled water leeches the minerals from the body, leaving you depleted. If that is so, my stance for living foods is an effective solution. Since the body can only absorb minerals through the photosynthesis process, the best source of fresh minerals comes from greens, wheatgrass juice and organic vegetables, not from your water.  Water is needed as a pure solvent, to flush these toxins out of the kidneys and renal system. Anything added to the water makes it a food, and it will pass through the digestive system, not the kidneys.  

Nevertheless, the body must have pure water to rehydrate itself. Water dilutes toxins, which can then be passed more easily through the kidneys. Water fires the body’s electrical and chemical processes that work hard all day to gather and release the body’s most toxic waste--CO2.  (Isn’t it interesting that we as a society drink 8-64 ounces of soda pop everyday, which counteracts the body’s ability to release this most poisonous substance?)  Eight glasses of water everyday is dedicated to firing the release of CO2 as waste.  Rehydrating the body and diluting toxins requires more water--16 glasses or 1gallon of pure water everyday is needed, in addition to your raw living foods. Drinking 16-36 ounces of water when you wake up in the morning usually satisfies thirst and sets the body’s elimination channel in motion. Drinking another quart of water during or after morning exercise satisfies the body’s needs until noon. Drinking another 2 quarts of water throughout the afternoon satisfies the daily goal of one gallon.   

If you discover that you are urinating a lot in the beginning, join the club!  All who are serious about rehydrating the skin, body and organ systems experience this step. Keep drinking water. And remember, if anything is added to water, the body treats it like a food. Water must be a pure solvent to pass through the renal glands. Add nothing fibrous or flavorful. Adding anything to water will cause it to pass through the digestive tract and through the bowels. Water is at its best as a pure solvent.


Mucous-Forming Foods

Foods such as eggs, milk, cheese, flour, pasta, too much meat and dairy products, which are mucus-forming foods, stick to the villi.  The villi are the small finger-like projections in the small intestines and esophagus, which primarily absorb nutrients.  Mucous forming foods and poisonous foods adhere to the villi and cause them to cling together. If you choose to decrease some of these foods in your daily diet, the first goal is to clean out the intestines, and release the villi to absorb nutrients.  Then stop eating these mucus-forming foods and putting them back into your body! 

Secondly, integrate into your diet, foods that support cellular regeneration such as fresh fruits, lots of vegetables and sprouts, and wheatgrass juice. Greens, vegetables, and sprouted foods help to alkalize the body and rid degenerative toxins from the tissues, organs, and passageways. 

Here is a good goal to choose: Eat living, raw, unprocessed vegetables and sprouts for at least fifty percent of your daily food consumption. This means that you literally eat a salad, piece of fruit or vegetable before you allow yourself to eat a cookie, some candy, or a burger.  


Why would this make such a difference in your health?  

Every time you place something in your mouth, your brain defines what it is and if it has any enzyme content.  If there are no enzymes, your brain will trigger your stomach to release enzymes to digest the food. Unfortunately, we are only born with a certain amount of enzymes, and when the stomach becomes the only source of those enzymes, they are soon depleted causing the body to steal enzymes from the gall bladder. (Could this be a reason why so many people are losing their gall bladders in their 20’s?) After the gall bladder is depleted, enzymes are leeched from the bones and osteoporosis becomes a possibility. What a powerful prevention of osteoporosis this could be!  Make sure everything that goes into your mouth is full of live enzymes that are eaten first; you can eat other more concentrated foods afterwards, if you choose to.  


Raw foods for life!

The power of raw, living fruits, vegetables and sprouted foods is unlimited. The body and  the cells become vibrant and alive, filled with energy. There are many creative and delicious ways that you can extract deliciousness from simple foods.  But no matter how gourmet you become, always remember the basics:

  • Eat a “greens” salad before eating more concentrated raw foods. 

  • Remember to drink a gallon of pure water everyday.  

  • Drink 4 ounces of wheatgrass juice everyday.  

  • Eat a piece of watermelon everyday.

  • Split up your carbohydrates and your proteins, and eat them separately for each meal: one at lunch at the other at dinner, always after your greens.

  • Eat you last meal before 7 p.m. to give your body a rest form digesting food.


These principles are not new. Interestingly, ancient religious documents from the dead Sea Scrolls and in the surrounding areas in a similar time period, as well as more recent documents state that plants are or should be the main staple in our diet. These documents along with modern science and my own physiological experiences have convinced me that the nucleus of our diet must become plant-based; all other foods--fruits, whole grains (mostly sprouted), and any other choices of food-types-- are appendages to this nucleus.


The regenerating effect on the cells from the DNA and RNA in sprouted foods, which are highly concentrated with nutrients, produces a high concentration of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids (proteins) that feed the cells. Once cleansed first, and then regenerated by sprouted foods that are easier to digest and rich in nutrients, the body’s organs and systems will experience a boost to the immune system, and the body’s aging process will slow down as it can. 

That’s good news!

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